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  • quilts made with triangles
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March 22, 2025
Quilting and border audition................. from Exuberant Color

I quilted these 2 table pieces last night and trimmed them.

Since the fronts are multicolor I'll probably choose a binding that I like with the back and it will most likely work with the front just fine.

A couple days ago I showed some leftover pieced strips that might work as a border on one of 2 quilt tops in progress.  This is the first one with the pieces on the right side and bottom.  I think they look good.

I tried them on this one too as top and bottom borders.  I think they are okay on ...

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March 13, 2025
Quilt back home............. from Exuberant Color

My Kaffe Blue Pinwheels is quilted and back home from the longarmer.  I'll be looking for binding today.

I sewed the last 10 stratas for Tilda 16 patches last night.  These are duplicates of ones already made into blocks.  There are will be 4 blocks alike of each combination.

It got up over 60 degrees yesterday so I did grocery shopping at 2 stores.  Friday is maybe going to be over 70.  I hope this doesn't mean a warm March and a cold April.

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February 15, 2025
It's finished! from Exuberant Color

I found a nice stripe in the mid-tone of the quilt for the binding and got it sewn on.  This quilt is 39" square.

The backing is a grayed purple even though it seems to be brown in some lights.  The quilt is much softer looking in person, not such high contrast.

I used Hobbs 80/20 in this quilt.

The close up shots show some of the colors in the quilt, like this green print.

There are browns, rust, blue and gold tones.

Burgundy check and a burnt orange are in this shot.

Up in the top left is ...

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February 14, 2025
A little fabric therapy................ from Exuberant Color

I made my first fabric purchase this year.  Yes, it's Tilda again and yes, it was pricey because it is a new line, but I needed a perk.  

I bought the smallest pack available, fat 8ths plus 1/2 yard of my favorite fabric.

I finished quilting the baby quilt last night but haven't trimmed it yet.  That will happen today and I'll find a binding fabric and hopefully get it finished.

I was just about out of the cookies in my freezer so it was time to bake something else.  I love this cherry topped cake ...

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February 5, 2025
Decisions, decisions................ from Exuberant Color

Around noon I sewed the new pieces that I had cut earlier in the morning.  I have 125 blocks sewn now and need 144 minimum for the baby quilt, for a 36" square quilt.

Now I'm working on ideas of how to sew this quilt.  I have 4 different triangle fabrics.  One idea was to sew identical strips using the 4 triangle fabrics in the same position in every strip.  There would be many different sets of 4. The strips would then be spaced out throughout the quilt.

The second idea was just random groups, still using one of ...

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November 27, 2024
A quilt top for November............. from Exuberant Color

This quilt top looks a little chaotic from a distance and very interesting close up.  I'm happy with the way the pieced border worked, giving a hint of border without any distraction from the center. Even with the border added it's still a small quilt at 53.5" x 65.5".

The next floral/nature quilt will be sawtooth stars.  Some will be matched fabrics like this one.

Others will be mixed groups of fabrics.  The one on the left has dark star points matching the center square and 2 different light fabrics.  The one on the right ...

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November 26, 2024
All seams sewn.......................... from Exuberant Color

I sewed the last seam at 10:30 last night.  I wasn't sure I was going to get it done.  I'll press it today and take it's photo.  This is a great close-up quilt.  There are so many pretty fabrics to look at.

My sister-in-law gave me an Amaryllis for my birthday earlier this month and it has started to grow.  I'm hoping for a bloom at Christmas.

I split a pot with several small red cactus in it into 4 pots a few weeks ago.  The first one is blooming now.  A second one has ...

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November 23, 2024
An idea...................... from Exuberant Color

Since this quilt is going to end up so small I had been thinking about a border.  Yesterday I came up with the idea of a pieced border like I have done on other quilts.  The pieces will be cut 3.5" x 6.5" out of a variety of floral fabrics.  I will piece them at the same time as the quarter square triangle blocks (webbing) so I didn't get anything sewn together yesterday.  I'll start cutting today.

I got 2 quilts back yesterday so I have some trimming to do and a search for a binding ...

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September 25, 2024
Second finish for September 2024................ from Exuberant Color

This was a fun and fast quilt.  It doesn't have an obvious focal point so it is going to look great crumpled up on the sofa.  It's just a celebration of a favorite color combination, pink and green.  It's a combination of Kaffe collective and Tula Pink fabrics.

It is 59" x 82" and has Hobbs 80/20 batting in it.  It was quilted by my longarm friend Robin Diaz.

I think the Kaffe Fassett Hydrangea fabric was perfect for the back.  The binding is one of the larger Kaffe prints but it works well as the ...

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August 18, 2024
Second finish for August 2024 from Exuberant Color

I wasn't sure I would finish the binding on this one last night but it was done by 9:30 so I had plenty of time to photograph it too.  Since it is small I could do the photography in my main floor studio.  I don't like to go down to the basement late at night.

This neutral color batik quilt is 49" x 65" and has Hobbs 80/20 batting in it.  Most of the gray fabrics in it lean toward blue so in some light they look gray, in other light they look blue.  My longarm ...

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August 17, 2024
Two fabrics on the back................. from Exuberant Color

Still hand stitching the binding.  Here are the 2 fabrics on the back of the quilt.  I have most of one long side left to stitch.

I did planning yesterday, sizes of backings and battings.  I need to clear off a couple piles on the table and then I can start cutting the battings.  I'll be looking for backing fabrics for 5 quilts too.

We got more rain last night around 8.  The Chicago news mentioned our town on the weather segment and said there was tree damage and maybe a microburst.  The wind was really strong as the ...

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August 16, 2024
Binding progress................. from Exuberant Color

Two sides and 3 corners are done on this binding.  The batik fabric takes a little longer to hand stitch through.

We finally got some rain yesterday morning, two rain gauges with different amounts, 1/2" in one and 8 tenths in another.  I still haven't decided which one is the accurate one.  More rain predicted overnight last night.


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July 30, 2024
It's a finished quilt top!............................. from Exuberant Color

Surprised?  I am!  I sewed the rest of the triangle blocks and cut a few more spacer blocks yesterday.  All Marcia Derse fabric. When I started arranging them on the design wall I had exactly enough pieces to make a  40" x 40" quilt top.  I took that as a sign that I was ready to sew it together.  I finished it in time to take a daylight photo.  It could be a wall hanging or baby quilt.

Did I use all of the triangles?  No.  Most of the ones left are 1, 2 or 3 alike with just a ...

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July 4, 2024
Happy Blog birthday to me...................... from Exuberant Color

 I started this blog on July 4, 2007....let's see, that is 17 years ago.  I was a shy child; now you can't shut me up.  I have shown several hundred quilts and quilt tops in those 17 years.  I have posted 6429 times and have had over 81K comments.  I'll drink a cherry Dr. Pepper to celebrate!

I found a box yesterday with half rectangle triangles in it.  I had forgotten I had so many pieces left over when I made a quilt with them last year in May.

There was one leftover block and some ...

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May 25, 2024
Second quilt top for May 2024............ from Exuberant Color

The last seams were sewn on the pink/blue quilt top in the middle of the afternoon yesterday.  I got it pressed shortly after and took its portrait.  It's a small top, just 48" x 60".  I like to have small quilts available to gift to others.

Last night I started sewing the center columns for the blue batik interweave quilt.  This is 15 of 27 that will be in the quilt  This isn't necessarily the order of the strips.  That will be decided when I get the next 12 sewn and added to the group.  The strips ...

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May 24, 2024
Executive decision.............. from Exuberant Color

I liked the pink/green so well without a border that I decided the pink/blue would also not have a border.  It will be a small quilt.

Laundry and table top clean up were my projects yesterday plus watering the front garden.  2 waves of storms are headed this way today and I wonder if we will get any rain this time.


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May 21, 2024
A quilt top.................... from Exuberant Color

I sewed the 9 seams in 3 shifts yesterday and pressed it last night.  I went with a random layout with just a few of the fabrics as matched pairs.  It is 60" x 84".  It is my version of Tussie Mussie from a Kaffe book.  However...I didn't use the same fabrics, I didn't use the same size triangle and I mostly didn't follow his layout.

I did put 2 stars in there like his layout and the rest is random.  The stars aren't obvious but I saw them in his layout.

Here we go ...

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May 20, 2024
Webbing time....................... from Exuberant Color

I webbed 13 rows out of 14 while watching 3 season finale shows on TV last night.  After I get the 14th row sewn on I will be ready to sew the cross rows and maybe I can get the top done today.

 I took my camera out to take a photo of another Peony that was blooming and found a whole batch of them in bloom.  This one is over by the bird feeders.

There will be a lot more of them in bloom today.  I need to get a bouquet picked before rain arrives some time in the ...

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May 17, 2024
A sample of the pink/green............ from Exuberant Color

I didn't get as far as a complete layout of my pink/green quilt but this is a sample of the variety in the blocks.  This is one of each of the 23 combinations and there are 6 blocks alike in each combination.  I put them on the wall as pinwheels but they are probably going to change when I get to the whole layout.  I still need to press the majority of them.

I have these 2 blocks leftover from the pink/blue layout that I might be able to use in the pink/green quilt.

 Most of ...

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May 15, 2024
Cutting and sewing............ from Exuberant Color

Yesterday morning was cutting time for the pink and green quilt.  This is the new batch that I cut.

There were a few pieces already cut that just needed something to pair with.  I got these ready to sew and then exchanged the pink ones from the top left and bottom right corners with each other.  All were sewn last night, 6 in each pile.  Now it is time to turn on the iron.

This is the before photo of the Lenten Rose area.... and

this is after I cleaned up the area and edged the bed with some cast ...

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  • quilts made with triangles
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